TNT Express incrementa un 45% sus pérdidas en 2013, pero confía en que lo peor ha pasado.

20140221-104441.jpg La compañía paso de perder 88 Me. a 122 Me, y redujo su facturación un 1,9%. Supone un incremento del 45% con respecto al año anterior. La cifra de negocio de TNT en el conjunto de 2013 descendió hasta los 6.890 millones de euros, desde los 7.023 Me. En cambio en el cuarto trimestre, la compañía holandesa ha anunciado ganancias de 31 millones de euros, un cambio significativo con respecto a las pérdidas de 145 millones que perdió en el mismo periodo de 2012. Income statement (€m) 2013 %chg YoY 20121 %chg YoY 2011 Revenue: Europe Main 3.259 -3,9 3.392 0,7 3.370 Europe Other & Americas 1.186 0,8 1.177 -1,3 1.193 Pacific 646 -11,1 727 11,0 655 AMEA 1.061 -10,9 1.191 -7,5 1.287 Unallocated 554 0,4 552 23,2 448 Elimination (13) 18,8 (16) -6,7 (15) Total revenue 6.693 -4,7 7.023 1,2 6.938 Other income 208 0,0 (12) 0,0 6 Operating expenses: Cost of materials (419) 4,8 (440) -0,5 (438) Work contracted out and other external expenses (3.597) 3,3 (3.719) -2,4 (3.632) Salaries and social security contributions (2.174) 0,2 (2.178) -2,9 (2.116) Depreciation, amortisation and impairments (433) -54,1 (281) -8,1 (260) Other (230) 2,1 (235) 13,3 (271) Total operating expenses (6.853) 0,0 (6.853) -2,0 (6.717) Operating income 48 -69,6 158 -30,4 227 Interest and similar income 12 -20,0 15 -25,0 20 Interest and similar expenses (36) 20,0 (45) 27,4 (62) Net financial (expense)/income (24) 20,0 (30) 28,6 (42) Results from investments in associates 17 (8) 63,6 (22) Profit before income taxes 41 -65,8 120 -26,4 163 Income taxes (134) -30,1 (103) -13,2 (91) Profit/(loss) from continuing operations (93) 0,0 17 -76,4 72 Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations (29) 71,3 (101) 70,6 (344) Profit/(loss) for the period (122) -45,2 (84) 69,1 (272) Attributable to: Non-controlling interests 0 2 (2) Equity holders of the parent (122) -41,9 (86) 68,1 (270) 1 Restated for IAS19R Adjusted income data (€m) Revenue: Europe Main 3.301 -2,7 3.392 0,7 3.370 Europe Other & Americas 1.216 3,3 1.177 -1,3 1.193 Pacific 724 -0,4 727 11,0 655 AMEA 1.108 -7,0 1.191 -7,5 1.287 Unallocated 554 0,4 552 23,2 448 Elimination (13) 18,8 (16) -6,7 (15) Total revenue 6.890 -1,9 7.023 1,2 6.938 Note: 2013 at average 2012 currency Operating income: Europe Main 150 -25,7 202 -28,9 284 Europe Other & Americas 69 38,0 50 -12,3 57 Pacific 12 -57,1 28 75,0 16 AMEA 22 0,0 (4) 89,2 (37) Unallocated (23) -91,7 (12) 0,0 1 Total operating income 230 -12,9 264 -17,8 321 Note: 2013 at average 2012 currency Adjustments to operating income Foreign exchange 18 UPS Offer-related 5 6 Demerger related Pensions (11) One-offs (200) 5 Share-based payments 14 Profit pooling – Restructuring/one-offs Impairments 258 95 61 Restructuring 95 25 Catch-up depreciation Boeing 747 Freighters 12 (12) Other one-offs (6) 17 – Total 182 106 94 Adjustments to discontinued operations Brazil one-offs 1]]>